Payap Announcement Regarding: Measures for Protection and Prevention of Covid-19 Number 8


Payap Announcement
Regarding: Measures for Protection and Prevention of Covid-19
Number 8
In accordance with the guidance and regulations of the Thai Government, the Chiang Mai Provincial Governor, and the Ministry of Higher Education, Payap University has been temporarily closed.  As the situation has moderated measures for phased reopening of educational institutions have been announced which must be strictly adhered to.  Phase 4 of the reopening began on June 15, 2020. Academic year 2020 semester 1 starting from July 1, 2020 which affects schools and other educational institutions.
Payap University will be operating as follows:

1. Semester 1 courses for Thai departments will begin as of July 1, 2020 and international courses on 17 August 2020 with a combination of regular and on-line instruction, with reduced time, adjusted or alternating schedules, or cancellation of some courses, management of practicums (field practice) and off campus work as appropriate, or avoidance of activities that would be done in large groups.

2. Personnel shall return to work as usual on 22 June 2020 with measures taken to measure temperatures of persons coming and going from campuses.  All persons, both insiders and outsiders, shall conform correctly while on campus.  Units must register in accordance with epidemic preventative measures as well as applications the government mandates.